Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, September 23

Pow Wow:
 "Sometimes the people you want to give your love to the least, are the ones who need it the most".
          It is FREE HUG DAY here at SFIEC!  Every year, Paul Mitchell schools all across the nation set out into the community in hopes of being a daymaker to someone in need of a little love.  About 20 students armed with love, signs, and a loudspeaker hit the downtown SF and Union Square area and gave out as many hugs as we could! 

On the Floor:
Stephanie came back to me for a cut.  We did it up Rihanna style when she first cut it short :) 

On the Home Front: 
Still on a high from so many hugs.  Hopefully this will help me get through all the packing still left to be done.

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