Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thursday, October 28

Photo Shoot:
 Today!  :)
Up early to be at school by 8am.  Two hours of prep time and the shoot is at 10am.  Heather will be wearing a long 70's style dress in black, white and grey with feather print, lots of bangles, and a peace sign pendant.  I brought in a microphone and stand to use as a prop.

...More to come after the shoot!

Post shoot...
Heather was amazing.  She WAS Janis.  I couldn't have asked for things to go any more smoothly!  We got a picture of her flipping her hair and rocking out on the mic and I almost cried.  It was perfect.  Thank you so so much to Heather, Jeanne, Jordan, Alex and Jacob for helping my vision become a beautiful reality :)  I'll have the photos in about two weeks.  Can't wait to share them!  :)

Wednesday, October 25

Photo Shoot:
I'll be coloring my model Heather's hair today on the floor for my photo shoot tomorrow.  Shes a level 5 red brown and I'll be taking her to a level 5 neutral brown with messy, grown out looking highlights.    We're doing a Janis Joplin inspired shoot so the look is very, "organic".  I'll be doing some of the lightening in foils and some balayage.  Can't wait for the shoot tomorrow! 

Tuesday, October 25

 Made it to the semi-finals!  Congrats to all who made it to the next round! 
Can't wait to start working on the videos :)

On the Floor:
First week as a Phase Two student!  So proud to be part of the team :)

Sunday, October 24

San Francisco:
Los Gigantes made it to the World Series!  First time since '02.  Lets bring it home this time, baby!  The city is buzzing.  It's a great time to be in SF!  :)  We all get to wear our Giants gear to school every time they have a game!  :)