Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday, November 15

Spread the Love
Second round of videos have been posted!

Video #1
What salon is special to you and why?
"Hello again Matrix!  Rachel Schuman here and I will one day be a stylist at Lunatic Fringe, a Paul Mitchell focus salon.  A few months ago, I had the opportunity to hear George Morales, owner of the Lunatic Fringe salons, speak in Concord and I was highly impressed by his charisma and enthusiasm.  He spoke of all the qualities he is looking for in a stylist and I strive to meet every one of those criteria.  While we are still in school, George expects his future stylists to, “practice big,” say yes to everything, and make sure that our actions and behavior aline with with the hiring  standards at Lunatic Fringe.  The salon is so special to me because of the high calibre of work and attitude they expect from every stylist.  
Not only are the Paul Mitchell values and teachings, such as team, opportunity, business, passion and education amazing, The creative and classic work coming out of those salons is mind blowing.  Jake Thompson is a stylist at the Sugar House location in Utah and one whom I greatly admire.  I am a huge texture fan and the art he creates with textured hair is absolutley stunning.  His work was part of my inspiration for a hair show in which I recently participated in.  To be able to be mentored by him would be a dream come true for me.  
  I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend a paul mitchell partner school and be exposed to its wonderful ideology.  I love the culture and have made the firm decision that I want to remain a part of it throughout my career.  It is one which teaches its students to be fabulous and professional not only on the salon floor, but in all aspects of our lives."
Video #2
4 Questions:
1.  Why do you want to be part of Spread the Love?
"I want to spread the message of love for your craft.  When you love the work you do, you will be successful.  I am dedicated, creative, well spoken, inspiring, and hungry for knowledge.  My excitement and enthusiasm for our industry makes me a great role model for anyone who wants to become part of our world.
2.  What does it mean to you to be a hairdresser?
Being a hairdresser is so much more than the physical act of giving someone a great cut or color.  It means being a daymaker, a therapist, an image consultant.  People feel great when they look great and our industry is all about helping others realize their true potential and their true beauty.  
3.  What do you hope to get out of this journey?
 While on the road, along with absorbing as much knowledge about the hair industry as I can, I want to inspire people.  If I can inspire at least one person to better themselves and their career, I will have succeeded.
4.  If you could make one change in the world, what would it be and why?
 I want to give every single person a pocket mirror.  Whenever someone finds themselves in an unfavorable situation, I want them to take out the pocket mirror, look into it and ask themselves, "am I going to get bitter about this situation or am I going to better this situation?"   It is very easy for an individual to develop a chip on their shoulder, but what we don't always realize is that what happened to us in the past does not need to make us who we are today, nor does it need to influence our actions tomorrow.  We are in control of our own destinies.  My wish is for every human being to realize that they have a choice.  We can choose to get bitter, or we can choose to get better."

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