Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, October 12

Baby Boards:
Hellooo Peets Pumpkin Spice Latte with an add shot :)
Nails and skin in the morning and hair in the afternoon.  I really like doing nails and skin first because it gets me in the zone for the three or so hours of hair operations.  Although this is the preferred order of operations, I know this is not necessarily how it will happen at the real State Board Exam, so I am improving on being comfortable doing them in whichever order. The goal today is to get 100 on skin and nails.  I have those down.  The first time we took Baby Boards, I scored 100 on hair, but I wasn't as happy with my results the second time around.  I just wasn't on my game.  The goal is always to get 100, but if I get a 90 today, I will be extremely pleased.  :)
I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes!  Wish me luck!  :)

...The Results are in!
Passed skin and nails with flying colors and got at 95% on hair!  Wooooo!
Major shout out to everyone who took the Boards today.  Doesn't it feel awesome to see the hard work pay off?!  Keep it up!  ;)

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